Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Victoria, B.C.: Homelessness in the Capital

Over the course of the term, I will follow what has become a major issue in Victoria, homelessness. Drawn in by the favourable weather, people come to this city of about 180,000 from around the country. According to one homeless man, Victoria is "the best place to be homeless" in Canada. (

Because of preparations for the 2010 Olympics, substantial energy has been put into "cleaning up the streets" of Vancouver, allowing political figures like Sam Sullivan the opportunity to say endearing things like "I think today is the day that we begin to turn the tide on homelessness." (

Will Victoria be left out of this surge of enthusiasm? Do city planners and municipal politicians care about homelessness or do they care about what visiting tourists might think...? What is being done, and as importantly, why is it being done?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The First Post

Hi Everyone,

Herein I will post my thoughts on "explorations in Urban Geography." My specific subject is yet to be determined, but with hope, I will begin soon. I am looking forward to this; who knows where it will lead...

All the best, Tobias.